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Caramel Latte Dessert |  Milk Day

makes 4 serving - uses 4 oz of your daily milk allowance

  • 16 oz whole milk
  • 4 TBSP of sugar-free caramel syrup
  • 3 to 4 TBSP of instant coffee (depending on how strong you like your latte)
  • 2 envelopes of flavorless gelatin
  • place 1 cup of cold milk in a bowl
  • sprinkle gelatin over milk and whisk it
  • let stand for 1 minute
  • heat up the other cup of milk to very hot
  • add the instant coffee to the hot milk and whisk until dissolved
  • combine the hot and cold mixtures
  • add the syrup and blend all ingredients well
  • refrigerate for a few hours
  • enjoy!
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