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Kelp Noodle Stir Fry |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

Makes 2 servings - each serving uses 10 oz of your daily vegetable allowance

  • 8 oz sliced carrots
  • 8 oz of broccoli
  • 4 oz of sliced zucchini
  • 1/2 sliced shallot
  • 1/4 chopped garlic
  • 5-10 sprays of Bragg's Liquid Amino
  • PAM Olive Oil or other zero-calorie cooking spray
  • 1/2 package of Kelp Noodles
  • in a large frying pan spray pam olive oil spray
  • sauté shallots until caramelized
  • sauté fresh garlic
  • in separate pot boil 1/2 the package of Kelp Noodles for 10 minutes then drain
  • add Kelp Noodles to the stir fry and mix together
  • spray Bragg's Liquid Amino
  • enjoy!
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