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Candy Corn Latte |  Milk/Yogurt Day

Candy Corn. Just hearing the name evokes memories of Halloween treats. Here's a new treat that will hit the spot! This recipe brought to you by DaVinci Gourmet.

Makes 1 serving. Uses 10 oz of daily milk allowance.

  • 3/4 oz DaVinci Gourmet butterscotch sugar-free syrup
  • 1/4 oz DaVinci Gourmet butter rum sugar-free syrup
  • 10 oz milk
  • 1 oz espresso
  • Steam milk and pour into a large mug.
  • Brew espresso and combine with steamed milk.
  • Add syrups, mixing well.
  • Optional, top with Acc(u)Legal whipped cream.
  • Enjoy!
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