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Ice Pops |  Any Day, Any Time

At your BBQ or poolside, ice pops will help cool you off during a hot summer day. This recipe is brought to you by member Acc(u)Anita.

Makes 1 serving - uses none of your daily allowance


    Using an ice pop maker (Anita has a 4-pop maker):

  • 9 oz water
  • 4 packets True Lemon or 2 packets True Lemon and 2 packets True Lime
  • 2 packets Truvia or other zero-calorie sweetener
  • Optional, 2 Tbsp Walden Farm's or other brand zero-calorie strawberry syrup
  • Combine ingredients in a bowl or measuring cup.
  • Stir well.
  • Pour into ice pop maker.
  • Freeze.
  • Enjoy!

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