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Inspiralized SpicyJicama Shoestring Fries |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

(modified from

makes 4 servings - uses 4 oz of your daily vegetable allowance

  • 1 large jicama
  • 1 TBSP onion powder
  • 2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • salt, to taste
  • PAM olive oil or other zero calorie cooking spray
  • preheat oven to 405˚
  • peel jicama
  • use spiralizer to create jicama shoestring “fries”
    • if you do not have a spiralizer, you may use a mandolin to make thin slices and then cut thin strips with a knife
  • cut spirals to desired length
  • place “fries” onto two large baking trays
  • spray lightly with PAM olive oil
  • season with a generous amount of salt
  • evenly season with onion powder, cayenne pepper and chili powder
  • toss to combine seasonings and more evenly cover jicama
  • spread the “fries” on the trays, trying not to crowd them
  • bake in oven for 15 minutes
  • turn “fries” over and bake another 10 - 15 minutes or until they are browning
  • enjoy!
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