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Iced Coffee |  Milk/Yogurt Day

Makes 1 serving - uses 8 oz of your daily milk allowance

  • 1 cup black coffee
  • 8 oz whole milk
  • zero-calorie sweetener, to taste (optional)
  • zero-calorie flavoring, to taste (optional)


    • Walden Farms chocolate syrup
    • vanilla extract
    • DaVinci Gourmet Kahlua syrup
  • let coffee stand until close to room temperature
  • pour coffee into ice cube trays
    • we used coffee bean shapes for fun!
  • freeze
  • fill glass with coffee ice cubes
  • pour milk over coffee ice cubes
  • add zero-calorie sweetener (optional)
  • add zero-calorie flavor (optional)
  • stir
  • let stand 5 - 10 minutes
  • stir
  • enjoy!
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