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Vanilla Ice Cream (No Machine Required) |  Milk/Yogurt Day

Thomas Jefferson is credited with the oldest ice cream recipe in the US, Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream. Vanilla continues to be America's favorite flavor!

Makes 1 serving - uses 8 oz of your daily milk allowance

  • 8 oz milk
  • ¼ cup Truvia or other zero-calorie sweetener
  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract
  • Combine ingredients in a freezer container.
  • Mix well.
  • Cover and freeze for 2 hours.
  • After 2 hours in the freezer, gently stir, breaking up any hard, icy sections.
  • Return to freezer for 2 - 4 hours.
  • Gently stir, breaking up any hard, icy sections.
  • Repeat until fully frozen.
  • Alternative:
    • freeze overnight
    • thaw 20 minutes
    • break up any hard, icy sections
    • refreeze
    • repeat as necessary until smooth and creamy
  • Enjoy!
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