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Butternut Squash Chips |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

Makes 2 servings - uses approximately 8 oz of your daily vegetable allowance

  • 1 butternut squash
  • PAM or other zero-calorie cooking spray
  • some flavoring options:



    • zero-calorie sweetener
    • salt
    • cinnamon
    • pepper
    • nutmeg
    • garlic powder
    • butter buds
    • onion powder
    • any other seasoning that appeals to you
  • slice squash in half lengthwise
  • peel and scoop out seeds
  • take one half and place “inside down” on cutting board
  • start at one end and slice very thin
    • the slices will come out like the shape of rainbows
    • if you have a slicer it will be easier than using a knife
  • slice second half as described above
  • spray lightly with zero-calorie cooking spray
    • too much spray will make them soggy; use just enough so they won't stick to the pan
  • if you plan to flavor the chips, toss with seasoning of choice
  • place single layer on pizza pan
    • use a pan with holes so they cook from both sides
  • bake at 350⁰ for approximately 30 minutes, until a little brown around the edges
  • let cool without stacking the chips so they stay crispy
  • eat them plain or dip in legal salsa, guacamole, Walden Farms pancake syrup, etc
  • to simplify the process consider investing in a set such as Mastrad® Topchips™ or other brand of food dehydrator
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