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Plantain Crisps |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

Healthy, homemade, baked plantain crisps are surprisingly quick and easy to make. Plain or seasoned, enjoy them on their own or dip them in guacamole, salsa or your favorite dip!

  • Plantain
  • PAM or other zero-calorie cooking spray
  • Salt and spices, optional
  • Preheat the oven to 325°F.
  • Cut up a plantain into thin slices.
  • Spray a pizza crisper (round baking sheet with holes) with PAM.
  • Place the plantain slices on the baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes, until they become crispy.

Optional, to season the chips:

  • Spray the inside of a Ziploc bag with PAM.
  • Put the baked chips in the bag, add spices and shake them up.


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