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St Mitch's Oh So Creamy Dill Salad Dressing |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • cauliflower (frozen or fresh) approximately 8 ounces
  • dill bunch (preferable) or use dehydrated spice in a jar
  • 2 cloves fresh garlic or 1 smallish clove fresh elephant garlic (Mitch's choice)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • cilantro (not fresh, just the spice)
  • celery salt
  • black pepper (fresh ground is best)
  • chili powder (just a dash)
  • onion powder
  • Butter Buds (just a dash)
  • Kosher salt (regular if you wish, Mitch's preference is Kosher (slightly different taste, less Iodine)
  • Xanthan Gum
  • cook cauliflower (covered) thoroughly until soft, cook the garlic cloves along with the cauliflower and let them cool. Steaming or boiling is okay, but don't use a huge amount of water. Save the water after removing the cooked veggies.
  • chop up about 1/8 cup of fresh dill (or more if you like it stronger), or you can use the spice to taste. If fresh, chop into ¼ -inch-long pieces.
  • place the cooked and cooled cauliflower and garlic into a blender and liquefy, adding in some of the water that you cooked it in (a few ounces) during the process. Blend until the contents are literally very smooth. When you are nearing the end of the blending process, slowly start adding in all the dill. Do not blend it until the dill disappears into the liquid. The dill frond pieces should stay visible in the mixture.
  • add the lemon juice and other spices and just "pulse" the blender so as not to over blend the mixture. Add the ingredients slowly, tasting as you go until you have what you like.
  • use ONLY a very small dash of Butter Buds or leave them out entirely. Mitch preferred the dressing with it in but says that it is a personal choice.
  • lastly, add a teaspoon of the Xanthan gum with a final blend and let it stand. It will thicken nicely.
  • refrigerate and use as a salad dressing.
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